All Smash Repair work carried out at Apex Auto Group comes with a Lifetime Guarantee.
Apex Auto Group takes pride in all repairs undertaken and all work is covered by the Motor Vehicle Insurance and Repair Industry code of Conduct. Repair Warranties are outlined in section 7 of “Code of Conduct”
The lifetime guarantee applies for as long as you remain the owner of the vehicle with the following exemptions:
- Normal wear and tear
- Damage to paint work from stone damage or is animal related
- Any damage caused by accident, neglect or improper maintenance after repairs are completed.
- Damage from exposure to extreme weather, hail, floods, sea salt etc.
If you Identify a fault relating to the repairs carried out at Apex Auto Group, please contact us immediately to organise a review of the work completed. We must be given first opportunity to review and rectify any issues to meet terms of this guarantee.
Once it has been determined that there is a fault relating to repairs, paint work or materials, we will endeavour to rectify the issue as quickly as possible by one of the following:
- Repair the fault in the workmanship
- Replace the part
- Pay to rectify quality issue
If you have any questions relating to this warranty please contact us.
Apex Auto Group – 07 3369 0333